2024 Donations (Year to Date)

EOY 2024 Donation Chart
Yearly Donation Chart

As of December 31, 2024

Kroger Rewards Benefit the Giving Garden

Did you know a percentage of every purchase you make at Kroger can benefit the Giving Garden? Yes, nothing out of pocket to you. And it doesn’t affect your fuel points. Just register under the Community Rewards in your Kroger account once and from then on you’ll be contributing every time you shop! What an easy way to give to the Giving Garden. It only takes a few minutes to register. Tell your friends and neighbors about this, too. Click the link below for easy-to-follow instructions.


Fence replacement COMPLETED!

We wish to thank all of you who contributed to the fence replacement fund. Phase 3 was completed in October 2023 and it looks fantastic. The garden plots are now fully enclosed. Thanks again for your help.

Donations needed for fence replacement

We are currently fund raising in order to obtain enough money to complete the fence replacement project which we started in March 2023. We have completed Phase 1 (April) and Phase 2 (June) of the project. Are efforts are now directed to finishing Phase 3 which will complete the replacement project.

Fence Layout

Phase 1 was completed in April 2023.

Phase 1 – enclose sheds

Phase 2 was completed in June 2023 and included the main entrance gate.

Phase 2 – Main Gate Entrance

To complete the project, Phase 3 fund raising now in process…

If you wish to help us and donate whatever amount you feel appropriate (every little bit helps), you may Zelle your tax deductible donation to:


[In the note area for the Zelle transaction, kindly reference ‘Fence Replacement’.]

Additionally, we have created a GoFund.me page which you may use for your donations.

Of course, you may also write a check and mail it to us at:

The Giving Garden Of Carrollton
          PO Box 111175
         Carrollton, TX 75011

Veggie Gardening Class

Saturday, March 18th we had a super turnout at The Giving Garden’s first educational event of the year. There were our garden members, Grow & Share and Harvest gardeners and some church members.

Our speaker, Erin Hoffer, from the city of Plano, did a great job presenting the material and sharing her real-life experience to make topics easy to understand. Thank you to board members Terri Barrett, who reserved the room for us and assisted Erin, and Bill Rich, who brought the refreshments. And all the great folks at AUMC who support the garden and our efforts.

If you are interested, check out other informational videos on the Live Green in Plano channel at https://www.gotostage.com/…/0f827b9cbc714e758a0de79a4ff….

To check the soil temp in your zip code go to: https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature

15 Tons Donated!

As of December 31, 2022 the Giving Garden has surpassed 15 TONS of organic produce donations since it was built in 2010!!!!! We donate to Metrocrest Services, Aldersgate Food Share, and Christian Community Action.

Harvest Table 12-03-2022
Harvest Table 12-03-2022

Saturday Harvest (Dec 3, 2022)

On Saturday, December 3rd, blustery cold winds greeted us for a harvest with temps in the 40’s !!!   Bill, Sarah, and Nathan headed up the harvest of 58 lbs. packed in 22 bags for Vicki to deliver to Metrocrest Services.  Harvest helpers were Vicki, Janice, Lisa, Misty, DiAnn and Laura. Harvest was made up of many beautiful greens, broccoli, Swiss chard, peppers, cabbages, turnips, fennel, carrots, lettuce, eggplant, and several varieties of kale.  Thanks to those gardeners who harvested early and filled the shed and cooler on Friday.  

It’s hard to believe that there are only two more weeks of Saturday harvests. We have open slots for Dec. 10th or Dec. 17th, so sign up if you need more hours.

Martha and Laura gave a garden tour to Councilman Adam Poulter and his wife, Colleen, who braved the cold weather. Adam enjoyed picking a couple of carrots and they ate them as soon as they washed them! 

Harvest 12/03/2022
12.3.22 Harvest Wagon
12.3.22 Harvest Wagon
Harvest Table 12-03-2022
Harvest Table 12-03-2022
Councilman Poulter pulling carrot
Councilman Poulter pulling carrot
Adam and Colleen Poulter Visiting
Adam and Colleen Poulter Visiting

Christmas Wrapping at NFM

The Giving Garden of Carrollton is back at NFM!  We had a fun time wrapping gifts at NFM yesterday (12/03/2022) and earned some donations from thankful shoppers!  We need a lot of work done on our fence and we are self-supporting so any and all donations are greatly appreciated! We are a non-profit community garden and have donated over 14 tons of fresh organic produce to local food pantries since 2010. We will be back today, 12/4, from 12:00 – 5:00pm so come by and see us! Here are a few pics from last year and yesterday.  We will also be there on Sat. 12/10 12:00 – 5:00pm and Friday 12/16 from 5:00 – 8:00pm.

Group Shot
Team Workers
Team Workers
The first customer of 12/03/2022
NFM Signage

Beds Available for 2024

Interested in learning how to garden organically and grow your own veggies?

How about helping and supporting your community by donating fresh produce to a local food pantry?

And what if, in the process of doing these things, you also get to meet some nice people and make new friends?

We currently have several plots that will be available for adoption effective January 2022!

E-mail us at join@givinggardenofcarrollton.org

To schedule an interview. Please include a contact number and your full name.

Applications and/or payments will be returned if you have not first completed an in-person interview and been invited to join us.

We Want You…

Donations To Date (Nov 22, 2023)

Since our first harvest in 2010 we have donated 35,579.5 lbs (over 17 tons) of fresh organic vegetables!

2023 Donations

Voted Carrollton’s Most Outstanding Community Organization

The Giving Garden was honored as the City of Carrollton’s most Outstanding Community Organization in 2018!  The garden provides a sustainable gardening opportunity for the citizens of Carrollton, promoting organic food practices, conservation, philanthropy, and community development.  The organization donates half of what they grow to non-profit food pantries, so that those in need may enjoy the benefits of fresh produce.  Since inception in 2010, the garden has donated over 33,368 lbs. of produce to help our community. (For full listing of harvest donations by date click here.)

As of June 30, 2023

Read Jan-Mar 2020 Newsletter.

You may right click to download the newsletter for reading.